Cubicles and Productivity

Wholesale Cubicle and Office Productivity Free Quote and Office Planning
July 1, 2019

Cubicles and productivity don’t always mesh, as decades of modular office furniture and how they’ve been depicted in media might demonstrate. In fact, cubicles have been equally reviled and cherished, even by those who haven’t used them. The movie Office Space was clear to show how bland, uninspiring, and isolating cubicles can be. They were clumsy and uncomfortable, and showed little ability to adapt to the specific users who had to suffer them. Today, however, there’s been so much improvement in the role of cubicles to accommodate varying needs among the workforce that the number of options available can be overwhelming.

No matter what kind of cubicles you purchase, it’s important to consider an office layout that zones them—or clusters of them, in the case of departments of project teams—in a way that your company can run smoothly and efficiently. We have highly trained and experienced professionals who make cubicles and productivity their specialty, taking into account all the unique elements that make your company what it is. The work that you do, the size of your office and current furniture, and the company culture, and even the location of any physical barriers that might inhibit placement of cubicles—these are just a few of the factors that are assessed to determine the right kind of space solution for the office. The best part is that we do it all for free! We provide you with a CAD drawing of a layout that meets your approval and get to work bringing your office cubicles and other furniture you specify to life.

There are several ways that you can strengthen the connection between cubicles and productivity through a new office layout. The first is not to overcrowd your office space. You may think that fitting more into a smaller space is always a good thing, but it can actually be less efficient. People tend not to prefer spaces where they can’t move freely or feel that they have to brush past people as they move from point A to point B. It can take a bit of time day after day to maneuver slowly around physical barriers or narrow corridors when your office is tightly packed. With measurements of your office and existing furniture, we can help you in the cubicles and productivity department by sizing the workstations comfortably and organizing them into a workable and comfortable configuration that lets your employees breathe.

Where you locate your cubicles in terms of job function is another key consideration. This is particularly when it involves striking a balance between privacy and collaboration, but it can also just lend itself to a more efficient workflow. Why have your employees walked across the office to collaborate with a project team member when they can sit adjacent to each other or in the same larger group?

While it’s important to get some physical activity daily, it shouldn’t be to have to discuss urgent or important work-related tasks when you can have them right next to each other sharing ideas? In a case like this, there are a number of types of cubicles you can consider. Here, cubicles and productivity go hand-in-hand, with some workstations are already designed to accommodate the needs of your employees who work in groups. For instance, clusters of cubicles are sometimes joined in a single unit, such as in a four-part cruciform configuration or a dog bone shape that can hold various numbers of users. Collaborative cubicles, those single, large cubicles that are designed to hold more than one user, are perfect for small groups of people and especially for team projects.

Storage features can also make or break cubicles and productivity. This is because, as interesting and fun storage features can be in your workstation, they’re not always necessary for your specific purposes. In fact, they can actually get in the way and take up space that otherwise could have been more work surface you need. Make sure you’re not throwing away money by purchasing cubicles that have storage features that are useless to you and your employees.

At Cubicle World, we pay a lot of attention to how cubicles and productivity work together, and we make sure that you get the most useful cubicles for how you do business. Give us a call for a free consultation to determine what kinds of cubicles you need for your office. Keep in mind that our shipping is 100% free of charge when you order with us. Give us a call today!

Cubicles and Productivity – Free Quote – 713-412-3090

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